Attract Abundance

Like A Magnet


Be your own magnet. Find out by downloading this pdf which might give you some AHA moments.

Are you tired of chasing? I get you. I got tired of it, too.

Chasing dreams? What you chase runs away from you. In other words, you repel. A magnet can attract or repel.

Are you sitting comfortably? Then I shall begin...

Attract Abundance Like A Magnet


Be your own magnet. Find out by downloading this pdf which might give you some AHA moments.

Are you tired of chasing? I get you. I got tired of it, too.

Chasing dreams? What you chase runs away from you. In other words, you repel. A magnet can attract or repel.

Are you sitting comfortably? Then I shall begin...

I've got a lot to show you. 

My name is Cornelia. 

When you hear abundance, what comes to mind? Most people say MONEY. Abundance is more than money. Abundance means that you have it all. 

Where does abundance start? 

In the heart. 

Can you even imagine to have it all? 

Can you comprehend to have it all? 

Everything is healthy and flourishes and everyone is happy and full of bliss. 

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Attract Abundance Like A Magnet!